The benefits of gas heating

Whether in residential buildings or apartments: Almost 95% of heat generators in the UK are gas boilers. Heating with gas is so popular mainly due to the many advantages of gas boilers, which can be roughly divided into two areas: economical and ecological advantages. 

Economical advantages of gas heating

The purchase of a new heat generator always involves planning and certain acquisition costs. In most cases, the latter ultimately dictates which heating system is installed. And this is precisely where the first advantage of gas heating comes into play: compared to other heating systems, gas boilers are still one of the cheapest heat generators available. By avoiding the commitment of high investment costs, homeowners are able to remain financially flexible.

Cost-effective and safe operation

Homeowners who decide to operate a gas heating system benefit from both low consumption costs and high operational reliability. After all, gas boilers have been used for decades and have proved to be very reliable up to now. Last but not least, gas prices remain at a relatively low level. On average, one kilowatt hour of natural gas costs about 4.5 pence, although this value can vary greatly depending on the tariff. Compared to electricity (about 15 pence per kilowatt hour), heating with natural gas is still very cheap. If you do not have access to a local gas connection, you can also use liquid gas. The price for one kilowatt hour corresponds approximately to that of natural gas, however, a gas tank is required for the fuel. 

Which gas boiler is the best for you?

High reliability of supply and clean combustion

Another advantage of gas heating is the fuel supply. This is considered very safe, as the world's natural gas reserves are increasing all the time. At the same time, energy suppliers generally conclude long-term contracts with gas exporters so that demand can be met for many decades to come. Once the gas boiler is in operation, another advantage of gas heating becomes apparent: Among the fossil fuels, natural gas burns cleanest and produces only a few pollutants. On the one hand, this increases economic efficiency and, on the other hand, reduces the burden on the environment.

Ecological advantages of gas boilers

The decisive advantages of gas boilers include both clean combustion technology and the variety of combinations. As gas heaters are becoming increasingly clean, they are actively helping to conserve existing resources. After all, natural gas - despite high reserves - is still a fossil fuel and therefore only a finite amount is available.

Some gas boilers are technically prepared so that they can burn not only pure natural gas but also that with biogas admixture efficiently and cleanly. In addition, they are able to automatically adjust to different types of gas. In this way, they always convert the highest possible amount of energy into heat for every gas quality.

Operating gas boilers with solar technology

The sun is one of the most energy-rich heat sources available to us free of charge and indefinitely. With the help of solar technology, homeowners can convert the solar energy into heat and thus, for example, heat the water or relieve the boiler. Viessmann gas boilers are prepared for connection to a solar thermal system. With a few simple steps they work bivalent instead of monovalent. The solar thermal system can support the heating and take over the complete preparation of DHW.

Gas boilers with heat pumps

For bivalent operation with a gas boiler, not only the solar thermal system is suitable, but also a heat pump. In this case, the heat pump does not only heat the water but also the rooms. If peak loads occur, the gas boiler is switched on. In this way, system owners heat in an extremely efficient, clean and resource-saving manner.

Save energy with a Smart Home

There are many ways to save energy in the home, and one of them is the use of smart and efficient heating technology. The savings potential in this area is huge, as heat generation represents a significant part of household energy demand.

Smart heating systems from Viessmann are not only characterised by their high efficiency and durability - they are also designed for use in a smart home. In just a few steps, many of our gas heating systems can be connected to the Internet and converted into a digital heating system. This simply requires the installation of an Internet interface (Vitoconnect or Vitocom 100) and an app for heating control (ViCare or Vitotrol).